
The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wine on Solaris and Linux

Wine -- the one and probably the only tool for Solaris, Linux (& Unix too) to execute a *.exe file. Actually , "Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix." Wine is available for solaris , bsd unix and various linux distros ( Redhat, Fedora, ubuntu, debian... n more), Check out the full list and get wine now !!

** I think wine installation as root will never create any problem to the system , but running wine as root may give windows viruses access to the system. So it's wise to be a bit careful while working with wine.

I tried wine on various solaris distributions like Solaris 10, SXDE (Solaris Express Developer Edition) 9/07 , SXDE 1/08 , OpenSolaris 2008.05 etc. and found 3 different ways of wine installation.

I) Build from source : Probably the most native way , but worked for me on SXDE 1/08.
What I did to install wine in my system is the following :

1) Download wine from here. Mine version was wine-1.1.0 , it was a *.tar.bz2 file.
2) Extract files using gui tool.
3) copy the wine directory to /opt, and navigate to that directory.
#cp -r /export/home/ritwik/Desktop/wine1.1.0 /opt
#cd /opt
#cd wine1.1.0
4) Add /usr/ccs/bin and /usr/sfw/bin to the path.
5) perform "#./configure" . During that process I came to know that in my system some development files were missing :


--------------------- many lines omitted ----------------------------------
configure: libXxf86vm development files not found, XFree86 Vidmode won't besupported.
configure: libxrandr development files not found, XRandr won't be supported.
configure: libsane development files not found, scanners won't be supported.
configure: liblcms development files not found, Color Management won't be supported.
configure: libldap (OpenLDAP) development files not found, LDAP won't be supported.
configure: libcapi20 development files not found, ISDN won't be supported.
configure: libcups development files not found, CUPS won't be supported.

configure: Finished. Do 'make depend && make' to compile Wine.

6) Then I tried gmake , it was completed with some warnings like :

regsvr.c:633: warning: visibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignored
regsvr.c:633: warning: visibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignored
regsvr.c:633: warning: visibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignored
regsvr.c:633: warning: visibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignored

I got the same warning (i.e visibility attribute not supported in this configuration)from a lot of *.c files during this GNU make process.

7) Anyway , after that I added the path to the .profile file at my home. I just append this line to the file :


8) Now I can use "$wine *.exe" to execute a *.exe file.

I tried this method on SXDE 9/07. Check out what happened.

II) Solaris 9 and 10 : I think Blastwave.org provides the best possible way with different flavors of wine and complete installation instructions. Check out here !

III) Doug Scott's wine build instruction : Applicable for open solaris distros like SXDE (Solaris Express developer Edition ) . Check out Doug Scott's CBE wine build instruction from here !

I tried all of the above said methods on OpenSolaris 2008.05. Here is my experience.

I am also a fedora linux user , and I used to download and install wine on fedora ( Fedora 7, 8, 9) by using yum. One simple "#yum install wine" command does everything !


  1. I am an intern at IITD Sun CoE.I want to install wine on solaris.

    The page at blastwave isn't available.

  2. worked like a charm!
